Currently in the process of building my personal website.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Poster Advertisment

Poetry Society of America Poster Ad
Class Assignment - Not Finished, in progress of completion
Designed in Photoshop and Illustrator
Spring 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010


Gatorade Advertisement
Class Assignment
Designed in Illustrator
Spring 2010


Brochure for Kensol Airways
Company in Whitehall, PA
Designed in Photoshop Elements
Created in Spring 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Poetry Society of America Logo
Class Assignment
Hand Drawn then Finished in Illustrator
Spring 2010

Pack the Chapel Logo
Created in Illustrator
Designed in Spring 2010

Logo for a Retreat Theme
"Run So As To Win" based off of 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Sketch of Final Logo - Sketched with Pen
Final done in Illustrator
Designed in Spring 2010


Musikfest Poster
Class Assignment
Created in Adobe Photoshop incorporated with
Illustrator vector elements
Designed in Spring 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wedding Program

Wedding Program
Made for friends
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Personal Logo

This is the front panel of a brochure that I made for a class assignment for my graphic design class. It has the idea of personal promotion. It shows my logo on the front with some designs also.

Class Assignment
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Typography Booklet

This is a 8-page booklet made about the famous type designer, Frederic W. Goudy. This was a class assignment for my Typographic Design class in college.

Front Cover
Class Assignment
Designed in 2009, age 19

Back Cover

Page 2
Class Assignment
Designed in 2009, age 19

Page 3
Class Assignment
Designed in 2009, age 19

Page 4
Class Assignment
Designed in 2009, age 19

Page 5
Class Assignment
Designed in 2009, age 19

Page 6
Class Assignment
Designed in 2009, age 19

Page 7
Class Assignment
Designed in 2009, age 19

Stationery Sets

Class Assignment
(not used for company)
Designed in 2009, age 19

Class Assignment
(not used for company)
Designed in 2009, age 19

Business Card
Class Assignment
(not used for company)
Designed in 2009, age 19

Made for a fried
Designed in 2009, age 19

Made for a friend
Designed in 2009, age 19

Business Card
Made for a friend
Designed in 2009, age 19

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Advocacy Booklet

This is a 10 page booklet on poverty. It was my final design project for my graphic design class in college. I created it with hope to raise awareness and bring to people's attention that poverty is real and that we need to act on it in order to make a difference.

Cover Page
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Back Page
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Page 2
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Page 3
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Page 4
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Page 5
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Page 6
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Page 7
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Page 8
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Page 9
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19


Hunger Banquet
Made for an event at college during Hunger and Homelessness Week
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Fair Trade
Made for the Fair Trade event at college
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Pack the Chapel
Made for a FOCUS event at college
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Promo Night
Made for FOCUS Promo Night at college
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Science Club
Made for a friend to advertise her science club
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19

Who's Your Daddy
Made for an event at college
Photoshop Elements
Designed in 2009, age 19


Tenth Avenue North
Free Time Drawing
Medium: Pencil
Drawn in 2009, age 19

Paper Bag
Class Assignment
Medium: Charcoal & Eraser
Drawn in 2009, age 19

Rendered Building Blocks
Class Assignment
Medium: Pencil
Drawn in 2009, age 19

Green Pepper Reversed Drawing
Class Assignment
Medium: White Colored Pencil
Drawn in 2009, age 19

Airplane Study
Class Assignment
Medium: Pencil
Drawn in 2009, age 19

Hand Study
Class Assignment
Medium: Pencil
Drawn in 2009, age 19

Plane Triptych
Class Assignment
Medium: Pencil
Drawn in 2009, age 19

Tangled and Rendered Rope
Class Assignment
Medium: Pencil
Drawn in 2009, age 19

Jason Varitek. Catcher, Boston Red Sox #33
Free Time Drawing
Medium: Pencil
Drawn in 2007, age 17

Tim Wakefield. Pitcher, Boston Red Sox #49
Free Time Drawing
Medium: Pencil
Drawn in 2007, age 17